Friday, September 15, 2017

Be your own happy!

This is not breaking news and I am sure most of you know... Women Talk! Women talk about "Everything"! The kids, the maids, the in-laws, the hubby, the bedroom anything and everything you can think of! And among so many things I have been talking about something recently struck me. 

One thing that I am intrigued by, is how so many of us have come to believe that our happiness lies with our partners. Ill tell you how this happens. 

When you get married, you stop thinking of yourself. You start thinking of you as "you and the hubby". And this gets worse once the kid come along. Marriage and kids bring humongous changes in a woman's life. Many quit their jobs. Their memory of themselves, showering and getting dressed in well-pressed,formal clothes, before the clock strikes 9, slowly becomes a very distant one. Between all the lunchboxes, uniforms, dhobiwala, doodhwala, you forget you. Most women lose themselves. 

Now the men.. they are programmed very differently. Think about the change that marriage does to a man. He goes to work and comes home to a doting wife whose entire day probably revolved around the meal she has made (well atleast the first few months!). Weekends that were probably spent lazing around or hanging out with friends now becomes- grocery shopping and hanging out with friends along with respective wives. And so the wives gather in the kitchen while the men are watching the game and guess what they are doing? Talking! Talking about how one of the husbands booked a romantic dinner while the others were sorting vegetables from the morning. Imagine the equations that are running in the other women's head right then! 

Please note: The changes marriage does to a man are so much more significant than those portrayed here. To go from riding your bike carefree to being held responsible for the well being of an entire family is a huge responsibility. I am not questioning the significance of the change, However, I am only focusing on the day-to day, emotional changes that marriage apparently has on women vs men. 

Back to the women- Its at least 4-5 years before you even stop to realize how you are constantly thinking only about these daily operational challenges. And then one day- like the day after swapping stories with your husband's friend's wife (the one with the dinner plans) you start the blame game. Why can't my husband make dinner plans? Why is he not hanging out with my friends and their husbands? Why does he not want to check out the new restaurants in town? 

Here is why- please pay attention ladies- this is very important. Because and simply because- he is a DIFFERENT person. While this may seem shocking and against all your emotional intelligence, this is the truth. You are not one person. you are two people, who have their own likes, dislikes, interests, passions.  You are married and have decided to spend your lives together. You did not vow to give up on your own and spend every second of yours together. 

Before you go on an emotional rampage, that will be hard on both of you, think about the objective. Save yourself some tears and think about what you want. At the end of the day, setting aside all the egos and the"But I want him to..." thoughts, what is the activity that you actually want to do? Is it checking out the new restaurants? Is it shopping? Is it some music concert that you want to see? 
Do you want to do this only to put up photos of the both of you doing it? or do you actually enjoy trying new cuisines? Think about it, If you enjoy trying new cuisines, you will enjoy it whether or not he is with you. 

The fix: Make it happen. Be your own happy. 

If you want to check out new restaurants, you do it. Find people who enjoy doing this too! This could be friends, random people on zomato groups! Plan a weekly girls night or restaurant night! Once you decide to do this, you will find a way of making it happen. You want to go to that concert, put up a facebook post and you will be surprised how many responses you get. You are setting yourself up for new experiences, new friends.

At first, this may seem like a daunting task. It could be awkward. But with time, it becomes very empowering. You begin to realize you have a life of your own, interests of your own, outside the realm of the lunchboxes and the dhobiwala. 

Marriage is just a fancy term for compromises. Much as it hurts your ego to admit it, you do compromise. Everyone does it, and everyone compromises in every single relationship. In marriage, the players and the duration of the game is longer. so you just compromise so much more. But here is the trick, when you do it the right way and in the right amounts, the compromise does not feel heavy. 
And it start a new vicious cycle- a positive one. 

You stop nagging your other half, because you don't need to anymore. You are already making yourself happy. Once the nagging stops, the activity itself- going out restaurants for instance- no longer bears a heavy negative feel. Your other half will probably want to do it because it becomes a welcome change. Win-Win! Your weekly girls night can turn into a date night every now and then! 

A few years ago, I made these exact same mistakes. I looked to find my happy in my husband. My entire day and life revolved only around him. As I look back now, I can imagine how suffocating it must have been! When he first told me "Jiyo aur Jeene Do", I felt insulted. The burning question was- if we were meant to lead separate lives why get married at all? The answer is just dawning on me, because, I want to lead my life with you. I dont want to lead your life, and I dont want you to live mine. I want you to witness mine and me yours. I want to come back and share my experiences with you... I dont want you to be part of all of mine and I definitely dont want to be part of all your experiences. What will we talk about then? 

Take a moment to think about you. You, as you were before marriage, before the kids. That's still there somewhere within you. Think about what makes you happy. And start making it happen. Be your own happy. 

Friday, July 8, 2016


And with that teeny tiny creature begins a new phase of my life! And I discover I have hidden deep deep within me this "relatively" mature personality who appears to be the very epitome of patience! 

Me: Mitu.. are you hungry?

Mitu: slaps me...

Me: Mitu... mammum saapdalaam?

Mitu: continues to slap me... 

Me: Mitu... time aachu kanna... saapada vendama?

Mitu: slaps with increasing vigor and squeals from excitement from all the slapping

Me: *sigh* Extends head further.. and joins in the excitement by adding more squeels! 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Wedding or Marriage?

Its strange how we have convinced ourselves to believe that marriage is but the act of bringing together two lives. I look around and see people talking about how grand and wonderful their wedding was or is going to be. Some even extend this courtesy to the honeymoon plans. I then find myself wondering how come not one single person talks about whats is left of this passionate, strong emotion once the happily ever after begins? 
True, I still hear newlyweds talk about their married life- their many romantic dinners, their getaway trips, precious gifts etc. But is that the whole truth of it? Why is no one talking about that feeling of desperate emptiness the minute your spouse turns at the doorstep to get to work? Why is no one mentioning that feeling of absolute longing to catch even a few hours of quality time with him, just lying on the couch and watching tv (between all the social engagements and responsibilities that come with the married life package!) I mean why do we unleash all emotions and let ourselves go for the few days that we dedicate to what is rightly the most important decision of our lives? But are happy to settle right back into our lives and carry on as if none of it matters anymore? 

Like somebody once said, marriage is hard and you have to work through it, and some days you have to work harder to get through. Its not just the disagreements and arguments. Its finding it in you to let go of your inhibitions and egos and understand the  many faces of you and your partner. Being that close to someone opens a whole new perspective to your own understanding of your personality. Pushing through all the uncertainties, doubts and insecurities may seem impossible at times. But knowing that a single hug can put al those to rest is but what its all about!

Marriage as I see it is not the dazzling wedding or the exotic trip. Its not the expensive gift. Its pushing through the many many up and down emotions even in a single day, just to want to lie your head next to him. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Acting double... if you can hear this... This would be a good time to take over!

I keep wondering if one day Ill wake up and see the damn camera that's been filming me!
I have thought about it long and hard... and this is the only possible explanation! My life is being filmed for somebody to watch as prime time entertainment!

How else do you explain the unending drama, the change of moods from elation to irritation in seconds, with only the background music missing? The string of unexplained, random decisions to take my life from blissful ignorance to this balancing act with a hundred different things hanging on the very end of my fragile nerves? I mean its got every element you can think of drama, comedy, bliss, loss bundled with all the emotions ever defined in the English language. The tip of this crappy irony filled script is that I am the sole character here! I play all roles one can possibly fathom! Call it narcissism, self glory if you will..... hell its exhausting is what it is! 

And here I am hoping that my acting double will show up and take over soon!! 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My second Blog!!

Today is the day I start another blog.

You may wonder... why? you already have managed to spill out your beans on the other without many people knowing of its existence and hence close to nil comments!!

Well.. today is the day I decide to do something about this person inside my head (holding a fork against my head in an attempt to revive some brain activity) who has been dying to get out into the open; and I decide its either this.. or Ill end up in a psyche ward having lonely conversation with her.

Ok ill introduce her... she's got an opinion on anything and everythin that happens in my life. She's got loads to say about the wierd people I meet, even more to say (later on,only to me in private) about how I always meet the strangest of the lot.

Ladies and gentlemen... Say hello to ...............

-----conversation inside my head------
Me.. " You know what? for the amount you talk.. you've never told me your name?"
Her..." Is that really so important? You've kept the entire audience waiting jus cos u dont know my name?"
Me.." Duh... how else do you expect me to introduce you?"
Her..." you've managed to screw up the only thing I asked you to do on the blog... you've started it all wrong!!... ugh.. Ill do it myself!!"
------ end of conversation in my head------

Im sorry to have kept you waiting ladies and gentlemen... there seemed to have been a technical problem... Now lets get on with it... With no further delay.. I present to you....

(And Im thinking this is where all measures of sanity ends!-Preethi)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Magic bean!!

You are walking down the road and thats when you spot two of a species that has come to be more popularly known as "the girl" (although it is addressed with various other names- chick, lady, woman, hot babe... are a few) .. and one thats is called " a boy".
They are seated on two chairs separated by a decent length of distance, on the same table.
Both are appreciating the beverage( ah.... the joy of caffine running in your blood... god bless the guy who invented coffee!!) that each seems to have been exclusively ordered.

I know what is the thought that hit you!!! And I wonder why? I wonder why there might not be space for a zillion other possibilities... she could be an old classmate... he might have caught her interest over some business deal... for gods sake.. she could be dying and he might be her only

But NO.. NO NO NO NO... the only thing you are wondering is.... are they just friends? or something more?

Despite all my efforts to keep her mouth shut, she wants to say a "few things" about this (eesh...I think all of you should just get a pillow .. cos you sure as hell are gonna get bored!!)... Oh my god.. shes here..

Conversation inside my head:

Me: Hi ... the audience is waiting to hear what you have to say.. I jus gave them a run through on what the topic of your exceptional speech is gonna be.

Her: You did WHAT?? Why would you do such a horrible thing? I wanted to take them through
this thing that happened to us the other day.. and then tell them what I felt about it! Youve screwed it up again.. god.. you are useless!!

Me: Oh by all means.. please stand here and talk to me...(like I haven heard enough of you!!)

Her: Fine... since my audience is waiting for me.... get out of my way!

End of conversation inside my head.

Just the other day, I met this guy... he's seemed like a very nice guy ( well.... he dint have a pierced tonue or pink colored hair)... and I started talking to him on a regular basis... that is to the cost of a whopping $30/ 3 days.

Ill first tell you how I manged to meet him.. I mean people who know me.. know for sure that I dont just meet up with strangers.. and even worse, hit it off and ignore all the bombastically huge flirting comments he was throwing at me. Ok.. lets say.. I had a bad day.. I realised im all alone in this unknown place.. and looked for a shoulder that I could lean on. I meant it all well I tell you...
I was looking for a freind... some one who would be there for me.. and I have to say..he seems perfect for the part.. I look at him and I think... he'll be an amazing friend to have.
And that is how I end up being .. me .. just plain old crazy me. and it feels alright..

And that is when I realise what the word " freindship/ freind" means to this other species: " the boy" These words are things that people just say... its just part of the lingo...

Ok I understand ... its not every day you see a girl.. who looks decent..and starts talking to you
like she has known you forever.. I can understand how the crazy things she does seems fairly
loveable.. I even understand that you try to pull off some really smooth lines.. in an attempt to catch her attention in a seductive sense.

But when you realise she literally swats each of your lines like a fly bothering her, I think its high time you get it in your head that she aint interested. Ok Ill even understand that either you are really stupid or really persuasive.. but when you finally ask her and you get a damn straight reply that she cant/ wont do it... Its pretty staright that chuck the damn idea... let it go...

But NO... NO NO.. what do you do? you keep running the same road again and again..
I mean what is the matter with you? Why does it take such an effort to appreciete the fact that all she wants is to be freinds? But if you feel that with all these intense thoughts, the easiest way to deal with it would be to just end all of it... then you should say it!! It solves so many problems!

Conversation inside my head:

Her: That went very well...
Me: you mean you are done?
Her :Of course not!! Im just giving them some time so it can sink in....
Me: You know what I think... they all seem well sunk... in their pillows that is!!
You talk in such loads... its bad enough I have to listen to you.. and now you have decided
to torture all these poor poeple...
Her: Dont be stupid... this is important.. people should know this stuff...
Me: ya sure... if they already don know it.. they never will.... so please let it go... Im gonna go
releive all these poor people...
Her:Spoil sport!!! I was having so much fun... you are just jelous you dont have the flare for words
that I am gifted with!! mph!!

End of conversation in my head

Sorry about the delay ladies and gentlemen... Anyway.. she did make a good point.. it is hard... its hard to decide who should be your freind.. and even worse what you cant decide.. if you can be someone else's friend.. .. but what is not hard? which relation actually just happens? Every relation needs some effort

At th end of the day, I realise :

I dont care what the word freind means to you, I know it means the world to me. it means ill be there for you and I hope that you will too! I know nothing will ever happen between us.. and I really do feel sorry for hurting you.
But I have my reasons! And as hard as it, I expect you to understand and respect those reasons, as a favor you are doing to a freind. And I promise, in return, Ill show you what real friendhip means, what a beatiful journey it actually is.

I know there will be times when we will have to work hard, probably very hard, at making things work. But Ive gone down this road with a lot of other people and I have come to love every step of it, as have they.

All I know is that I trust you, even though you are almost a complete stranger. And I want you to trust me... trust me and let go..let go of this idea. You will see in time, you will know how good it feels to have a "magic bean"!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Starting this blog somehow seems to have been a really good idea.... more and more people(and by people.. I mean those in my head) seem to have loads of things to say.

The person who will be saying stuff today is always angry.. pretty pissed most times. But she is also the one with heaps of attitude.. so I do not complain of her existance.. although I do have to restrain her every now and then from giving people a black eye!

Anyway... continuing the story that I thought was the end in the last article....

So this is what heppens... Its a beautiful evening.. Im all ready to ppppppparty (as bottle manna puts it!) .. and given its the first time that I am getting to see what night life really means to most people of my age, I had high hopes... I meant to get drunk and prove to my friends ( I guess most importantly to myself) that I am NOT a geek and can be a real party animal. It starts off well... I dress up (people who know me well.. know most times i just put on the first pair of jeans and t-shirt that I can find) and could not stop humming my song "wonderful tonight".. thinkin all along how someday... the guy of my dreams will sing that to me... lost in my own sweet glitter charmed world. ( This is thanks to this other person who will probably want to say somethin about the crazy fantasy world she keeps pulling me into. But thats another story and i will tell you another day!)

Having said all that in my last article... I invited this person who we shall refer here on as Mr.V (I was going to say Mr.X but I belive that the alphabet X gets way too much attaention!! So I chose V).. who I still believed was my friend to the party night out!

And that is where the nightmare began.... Mr.V turns up... fairly drunk.... leads the bunch of to a very noisy... cheap place.. all the while running those red drunk eyes all over me!

My angry friend I guess was on a holiday that night.. and moreover I was taken by surprise... I mean It was Mr.V!! I totally trusted him... He was my Friend... He could not possibly harm me....
My judgement took a serious hit that day I tell you!!

I went through the evening with a very calm and composed image... I would have left earlier on in the evening.. but I had to stay.. for a friend... she needed me there. And so I stood there and took all that Mr.V had to say.

Thankfully the greusome night came to an end. But the story did not end that day...
Being the fool that I am and my critical condition of not being able to "Let Go" of people... I was giving Mr.V another chance... and all through all that he managed to say as a defence line was... I would not have done that...(if you do believe that he was infact so drunk to have no recollection of what did happen!) And after one week of that he says... its not worth it.. and thats when it hit me.... none of this was the truth!! I was never just a friend to him...

And that is when I let him go.... but still wanted to be the bigger person... given we have so many common friends... I thought Ill prob say.." Hi How you been... see you around" and save him from any embarresment.

Hey.. this is me... Im taking over... SO anyway... I mean the guy is 28 years old... people his age are fathers... you would think he has the maturity to deal with the frustrations of his problem with a decent amount of sense......but NO.... this guy .. his bird brain works like that of a college student.... and that is when I realise.... enough is enough....

Ive been quite too long.... If I was around that eventful night... the guy would have ended up in an emergency room or with the cops i tell you!!!

Anyway... I am very tempted to give him a piece of my mind... but Miss goody two shoes here thinks thats below me( and god I hate it when she is right!!!)

But It is below me to talk to a spineless ass like him... Spineless cos the guy makes mistakes... does not own up to it... and definitely does not have the guts to face up to me!!!
And moreover... thankfull my maturity level is definitely higher than his... so talking to him would be like hitting your fist against a wall!!!

And I was very close to making an important decision that day.... that I would not trust people... people who I dint know too well...

Hey Its me again, Preethi.... look at her bloody attitude .... she does not even give me a warning when she is taking over!!!

Anyway.... I was going to make that decision that day.... but then... there was somethin else that happened that day.......

I found a friend... one that I know would never ever hurt me.. one that I have great respect for.... One that I would trust my life with... literally! He was there when I needed a friend... actually hes been there everytime I needed one...and trust me he knows what the word friend means to me!!

Given the situation .. you would think... god she is stupid!!! why would she make the same mistake all over again...But I think...
I will not base my decisions on one guy... I will not let prick like him change the way I feel... I mean look at what I have because I trusted complete strangers.... I have two people... '; one is a little far away and it will be a little more difficult .. but hey... he will still always be there for me.. like I will for him!; an the other is ......... is probably got a smug smile across his face... cos he is reading this..... ok... you can stop it!!!
( i dont generally say nice things about other people!! I guess I just got caught up in the momment!!)

Anyway... the point is..... what happened... has not changed what i believe in....
I mean what does not kill you only makes you stronger..... and besides this is me.... I dont fall so easy... and if i do ... i dont stay down too long!!